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Due to university network issues, our ttuhsc.edu email does not work at this moment.
Please send all emails to:  dllab.bioinformatics@gmail.com

Welcome to our lab!

We are located on the main campus of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC).
Check Photos for TTU/TTUHSC, the second largest contiguous campus (1,900 acres) in the U.S


We are recruiting trainees in bioinformatics and computational genomics to join our new lab. Click Postdoctoral Fellows for details. To apply, please send CV to Dr. Dawei Li:  dllab.bioinformatics@gmail.com.

Our Omics Research

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) statistics and facts
  • ~20 million worldwide
  • 1–2.5 million and costs $17–24 billion/yr in the USA alone
  • More common than multiple sclerosis, lung cancer or AIDS: twice as common as multiple sclerosis
  • No diagnostic test
  • No FDA-approved treatments
  • No cure


One in every four people has one brain behavioral diagnosis in their lifetime. Our goal is to use  brain behavioral disease phenome and omics data to identify new risk factors that has the potential for prevention and new treatment.

High-throughput sequencing analyses
We perform various standard deep sequencing analyses, including SNP-disease association, DNA methylation, differential gene expression and other analyses.

Mosaic viral integrations in blood/brain genomes

We will continue to develop bioinformatics platforms for genotyping endogenous retroviruses and other transposable elements, and mosaic “non-human-sequence” insertions using long reads and single-cell sequencing, and ultra-deep sequencing.

Translational medicine
We are also interested to transition our research towards personalized genomics and medicine.

Lab News

Dates Events
2024 JulNew Postdoc joined our lab. Welcome!
2024 MayA new PhD student started in our lab. Welcome!
2024 MayThird new PhD student landed in our lab. Welcome!
2024 MaySecond new PhD student joined our lab. Welcome!
2024 AprVirusPredictor published in Bioinformatics!
2024 JanFirst new graduate student joined our lab. Welcome!
2023 DecDawei was invited to the CDC Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Call. Recorded video coming soon on the CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/events/)
2023 DecTom was invited by the NIH with scholarship to present his work on the NIH's main campus in DC/Bethesda!
2023 SepNew postdoc Tom joined our laboratory from University of Florida. Welcome Tom!
2023 Jul Dawei joined the faculty of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC). We start our new laboratory on the TTUHSC main campus in Lubbock Texas.


We thank patients, care givers and all other 
research participants as well as funding agencies for supporting our research.
